Thursday, May 10, 2012

I'm going to go back there someday.

I apologize for no pictures this post, but you've seen everything there is to see up until this point. The unpacking mess is still an unpacking mess (although slightly more functional now that I've put the baker's rack mostly back together) and nothing visually striking has happened. Well, thats not true, but I wasn't there for the visually striking things I will now tell you about, because they happened to Sarah.

She was able to send us an email, which she had to type in advance because basically there is precisely one internet cable and ten people that want to use the internet, so everyone gets less than 10 minutes. Highlights of the e-mails include- her first day involved a high ropes course and zip-lining (so jealous!) which she thought was totally awesome a la A Very Potter Musical. Day two involved splashing about in the icy cold snow fed lake in a kayak and practicing wet exits, which was fun but chilly. The food is fantastic, lots of healthy veggie options, and she thinks that her classmates are really quite lovely. So things go very well and scenically for Ms. Sarah. 

Back here on the home-front, things are busy and in some ways quite surprisingly complex. We were very upset because the building in Shawnigan lake that we were so enamoured of seemed to be taken, but the deal fell through so its on the market again. However, there is an even more viable venue elsewhere that we are looking closely at, so everything just depends on how the money falls. Regardless, we've already been invited to perform in some local Canada Day celebrations, so thats a good start. We need to work up some sword fights baby!

Michael got me strawberry plants for my planter yesterday, so tonight I will set them up. So excited! I also mowed the lawn riding mower skills are a bit rusty, so I only got it stuck once. Yay me! I also got a response to my resume- I have a job interview tuesday! Huzzah!

Yesterday evening Cam Michael and I went out and made new friends at the local gaming shop, called Dice Bag. We're trying to find a shortening of that name that isn't dirty, but its looking like one doesn't exist except DB. We played Magic for a while, and Michael and Cam watched some table top gaming, and then we headed home for leftover chinese dinner. The DB is pretty cool because not only do they do casual game nights, but they have in house games that you can sit down and play-test before you buy. We have already suggested to them that as soon as it becomes commercially available, they buy Plunder, our friend Doc Franklin's game. Ooh, we also watched the first episode of Sherlock. Its great, I'm in. 

Lessee, we went and looked at building, then had lunch at the Garage, a local vegan hot spot. Unfortunately we didn't know it was vegan until we were already ordering, so I improvised and got the anti-veggie Cam a cinnamon bun. We moseyed home, where I took the better part of two hours putting the bakers rack back together (lets just say I'm never letting Michael anywhere near the duct tape again) and then proceeded to attack the kitchen in an organizy cleany fashion, which ended with me calmly cutting my finger and bleeding profusely. Michael then decided it was probably time for me to stop being productive, and sat me on the couch with a band-aid and Zelda. It was a wise 20 minute rest. 

Afterwards, Michael went for a run with me! He's been looking at the program I'm doing, and his mother has already started the program as well, so he thought he'd give it a whirl. I know I'm doing better, I can feel my stamina increasing, I just wish everything would stop hurting! Oh well, you pay for what you get, I am getting into my first wedding dress again slimmer than when I first put it on. It shall be so! 

There is only one problem with our is a little too close to the local Coldstone. 

Oh goodness...everything is running together in my head so its hard to keep track. I think thats all the stuff which might be of interest. If I think of something else, I'll put it in saturday's blog. 

Keep the peace!

1 comment:

  1. Benedict Pont, I mean Cumberbach, is one of my new favorite actors. That show is brilliant.
