Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Crazy as a rocket, nothin' in my pocket, I keep it at the rainbow's end!

So, we are now officially over the bug, whatever it was, and back to doing what we do best which is work really hard at finding some work. Sadly for me the interview I had this morning didn't pan out, as the employer was specifically looking for someone to stay in the position at least ten years, and she felt that I was looking for something temporary given that kids are coming along in a few years and so on. Also, I was a little young. K, well, worth a try, good thing I've been churning out job applications like a machine. Something better will come along.

Meanwhile, I have been a busy bunny. I put up the strawberry planter (okay, Michael put it up, I couldn't reach)

 the clothesline,

put the baker's rack back together (sadly not all of it arrived, so I'm going to have to make a new cover for it) unpacked the entire kitchen (no, you may not have a picture) and gotten halfway through unpacking the clothes. Also, a great deal of progress has been made on the dining room! Observe.



Seriously,  this is progress, I promise. You can now see the floor in this room. 

Also also, new haircut.

I'll like it better in about two weeks when it's grown out a bit I think.

Michael and I have also been running every other day, and have now completed week 2 of the couch to 5k program. I do feel like I've made progress, and I am 1) No longer in stupid amounts of muscle pain all the time and 2) feeling like my muscles are responding better to me than ever before, which is encouraging!

From our run last night

Getting the geek on!
Last night Michael Cam and I attended the midnight release of Diablo III, to which I appeared in my comfy robe and slippers because it was midnight and I was tired and couldn't be bothered to put real clothes on. Which ended up being okay anyway, because the staff thought I was adorable. Which I can be. Sadly I had my interview this morning, and had already been busy yesterday cleaning and unpacking and generally bamfing about, so I couldn't stay up to actually play the game, which I might engage in once I've finished my chores this evening. But Michael and Cam jumped right in and enjoyed until about 3 A.M. Also, we got the very very last collectors edition, which comes with all kinds of cool stuff including a making of DVD which I will play while I clean the living room today.
Gorgeous 180 page art book. The artists who work on these
games are incredible. 

 I'm a complete geek when it comes to how things are done. As much as I enjoy the finished product, I have a greater love for the process.

I find in myself a need to have several focuses at once. For instance, my large focus is unpacking. But that task feels almost overwhelming, so I focus on some smaller things. Like last night I spent a few hours organizing all the magic cards (no small task). Its a little thing, maybe a silly thing, but being able to finish something that is a task I would need to do anyway, and knowing it was something I could accomplish to completion, makes me feel better.

Look how organized!!
Ms. Sarah is finding COLT to be a varied experience. Some of her instructors aren't terribly on the ball, and they are pushing them very hard (seriously, they are in class from 8 in the morning til 9 at night. University wasn't even that punishing). But, she says that she is growing in skill and making friends, and isn't that the point?

Emma and Dinah have a new game. It's called "chase each other up and down the stairs at 3 in the morning".  So for about 20 minutes each night I keep dreaming that I'm a comedy drummer for someone making bad jokes, as the sound of the little cat feet (Dinah= patpatpatpatpat Emma= THUDTHUDTHUDTHUDTHUD)wanders into my REM sleep. Sigh. At least the cats are happy.

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