Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Close to my soul, and yet so far away...

Michael has (I think wisely) decreed that today is "Work-on-our-resume's-and-not-do-very-much-else" day. Which was a wonderful plan right up until we had to do stuff. But, its only three in the afternoon, so theres still some time to relax.

Frankly, we need a nothing day. Remember this?

Well, its still kinda that, except more all over the house. 

So today is officially a week since we got here, and the house is everything we could have hoped for and more. We haven't tried any local restaurants yet, being so tired of eating out all the time, but we've certainly adapted to our new kitchen. Some of the kitchen stuff is still packed, but we still managed to Macguiver this tasty meal-


Our exceedingly non-traditional family.
So, the last three day recap.

Unpacking for Michael Cam and I  (I found the dishes!!!), repacking for Sarah as she prepared for COLT was most of Saturday, wrapped up with a watching of Ghostbusters 2 on the newly unpacked TV, plus a catch-up session of Big Bang Theory. 
Sunday we slept in a bit, then back out and about in Duncan checking out some local spots and finding last minute things for Sarah's trip like bic lighters and pens and really bad-ass duct tape with flames on it. I hunted up a new shower head for the downstairs shower (eco friendly!) and a clothesline and brackets for it. I still haven't put it up yet, shame on me, but its been busy. Sunday I made going-away dinner for Sarah of shrimp linguine alfredo with broccoli  and brownies and ice cream for dessert, and then we finished off the day with a drive to Victoria to see THE AVENGERS.

Can I just riff for a moment on how AWESOME that movie was? I can't even type it in lower case, it is THE AVENGERS. Which I'm trying to talk Michael into going and seeing again today. Cause I want to. Thats how good it is.

Now that you have the keys to the studio Joss Whedon, can you PLEASE bring back Firefly/Dollhouse? Please?

With sugar on top?

Which brings us to why I didn't post yesterday, and why we needed a do nothing day today. Monday we woke, got Sarah packed and ready to go, had french toast (you're welcome) and then were off on the three hour drive to COLT. Sarah was both sad and happy to go, and subsequently gets to run around in this. 

Most epic Otter.
Pretty cool huh? Let me tell you, girlfriend has some scary cool gear. I helped her hem some pants. Mom, I need tips on hemming pants, two of them didn't come out quite straight.

We arrived at COLT around 2:30, which is in beautiful Strathcona park. Observe.

She gets to hang out here
And here
And here
Somehow, I think she'll be just fine.

Cam and Michael found her new digs to be cabin-in-the-woods-horror-movie-terrifying, but Michael by his own admission considers hotels without room service to be 'roughing it'. It just reminded me of summer camp, so I was perfectly comfortable. Sarah once made herself and stayed in an igloo of tarps and snow. She'll be fine.

Before we left, I took a picture of this, which was in the lodge. Ten sparkle points to the first person who figures out what this is. 

We had planned to eat there at the lodge restaurant, but found that it wasn't open until evening for dinner. So, dinner would have to wait til Nanaimo. We got Sarah settled into her new digs, wandered about enjoy the gorgeous scenery, almost got the Lancer stuck in a tiny one lane foresty road thing, and got back to the lodge. We then hugged her, left her to run about like a squirrel and prepare for her transformation into a grizzly bear, and headed home. Where we were beckoned to our dinner by this;

Scary? Yes. But it was attached to an A&W/gas station, and we couldn't wait to eat any longer. Ultimately there was a bright and shiny silver lining to this stop, in the discovery of TINY ICE CREAM!

Admittedly not as cool as THE AVENGERS, but I did giggle like a loon for the next hour of the drive over the minuteness of the delicious frozen treat, and its equally miniature spoon. 

Which brings us to today. 

Woke up, unpacked more stuff, put away all the board games (yay!) set up the living room rug, vaccumed various things, watched Emma set up camp on Cam's lap, ran errands to Walmart and Rona with Michael (we have a toaster again!) went for my run (which I completed and was attacked by what I hope was a non-lethal snake) and now am blogging, beefing up my resume, and applying for jobs! 

Talk to you soon!

Also, mountains.

1 comment:

  1. Sparkle points acquired, that is the Vancouver Olympic torch
