Saturday, May 12, 2012

Everybody's lover, everybody's brother, I want to be your lifetime friend-

Sorry guys, but there's only this perfunctory blog today. Michael and I are both under the weather. I would love to say that its some exotic island disease, but its probably just a case of "Hey you've barely stopped in the last several weeks your body hates you". We spent the morning taking a long rest, and by morning I mean neither of us was very able to be up and about until late morning, and then had a little breakfast, and since I was feeling a bit better by then and Cam had come down, we took a short crack at the boxes. That ended up winding us pretty quick, but there are lots of boxes that are now either empty or in their proper places. So, we got a lot done, but we feel rather awful, so we're curled up on the couch watching Sherlock, which is BRILLIANT for the record.

Meanwhile, Sarah is having a very intense time at COLT. In brief, she has had some adventures in re-learning to paddle (there is new stuff to know!) and her paddling instructor thinks she's awesome because she has nailed all of it and done spankingly well at not overturning her canoe into the white water. One of her instructors did a not so good a job at making sure that lunch was actually with them and not on the side of the road where it
could be stolen by passing motorists. Which it was.

More tomorrow to make up for what was not today.

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