Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Together we'll nab it!

You see this picture?

You have now seen Minnesota. Is it possible that this great, exceedingly pancakeular state has more to offer than various types of farms? Yes, but we find it unlikely, considering that this is ALL WE SAW for 8 hours.  This windfarm was impressive however, there were more than a hundred turbines as far as the eye can see.

This is Emma's response to car rides.
FASTER! Move asshat!

This is Dinah's.

I have been thwarted in my efforts to play "Hey cow!". Michael saw the mischievious  cow bothering light in my eyes in Wisconsin and promptly locked the window mechanisms. Since then I have been under orders not to play any variation of the game thereof, including but not limited to "Hey sheep!" "Hey field!" and particularly "Hey cats!". If you have never played "Hey cow!" the rules are simple. Wait til you see a field of cows, roll down your window, and shout "Hey cow!" Any cow that looks at you is a point, high score wins. It can of course be adapted to any sort of herd, but I advise against playing "Hey deer" or "Hey teenagers!" cattle though they may be.

After much childlike begging (and since we were going through Mitchell anyway) I talked everyone into seeing the corn palace. What you see is what you get.

 But, I did get this picture, which was well worth the stop.

You remember that picture of Minnesota? Copy paste for the first half of south Dakota, until you reach.....the Missouri river!

 The other difference being of course that there is not an advertisement for wall drug every 15 feet in Minnesota. Wall drug, which was extremely disappointing by the way. I know technically it isn't quite tourist season yet, but no ice cream and one slice of questionable looking blueberry pie does not an authentic tourist trap make. Less than impressed, we decided to press on to rapid city.

"why is it called the badlands?"
"because crapola-nothing-where-no-one-lives-but-has-great-scenery-lands was too long for the billboards. "
"but how do you know you're in the badlands anyway? I would personally term this the relatively-inoffensive-lands."
"no, this isn't quite the badlands yet, it's just kinda the meh-lands"
(from the backseat) "DIE DRAGON DIE! Damnit Link, do what I tell you!!"

We did manage to avoid other traps, such as "badlands petrified gardens 'see a 10ton log!'" and "1880 town" pictured here.

 But, given the disappointment that wall drug was, we will likely skip mt rushmore. Also, it's not en route.

I will readily admit however that the views are incredible. You can see for miles upon miles, and the sky is the clearest, cleanest thing I have ever seen. Alas, the countryside is dotted with bereft cows that I will never call to in a friendly game.

Heading toward Wyoming state line, there is quite literally a wall of mountain across the entire horizon. I think this is where things start to get interesting.

Michael has driven all day, and I, having gotten a decent nights sleep and a tasty waffle breakfast have stayed awake the day long. These four, however, succumbed.

Oh boy did things get interesting. The gps got us lost in Wyoming. We are safe in a hotel, but the zombie jokes are flying thick and fast. More tomorrow.