Sunday, April 29, 2012

Footloose and fancy free!

I'm having a lovely breakfast conversation with two road workers, one of them from Scotland. I pinned his accent to the north, so I'm getting better at that, which pleases me.

All right, so let me fill you in on yesterday.

In deference to the time changes that we've been going through this week, we let ourselves sleep in. Which still meant that I was up and blogging at 6:45 local time. So you are entirely aware of my morning's labours. The blog posts take me about two hours to put together, because of course I'm on Michaels computer so I have to upload pictures through google plus instead of straight to the computer through a cable. Thank you apple for making life difficult.

After breakfast, we did this.   What is it? The EMP museum. It was AWESOME.                                                                                                                          
Inside we visited two exhibits- AVATAR, which was a fantastic interactive exhibit about the making of the AVATAR movie including real props from the set, some incredible high technology interactive attractions including a booth where you could invent your own Pandora plant, and an area where you can do some Motion capture, which I really enjoyed. It looks hokey, but hey, its fun. Here is a link to my youtube performance at the exhibit.

This was a fantastic thing. This is an enormous touch screen display, which allows you to zoom and play with menus and cool bonus art. Thats not the coolest thing about it though. 

All of those little pictures are zoomable with articles and pictures about the making of the film. You see the black squares in the middle? They are cards, about the size and shape of a coaster, and each card has on it a different topic. 

So all you have to do is pick up the card you want to learn about, place it on the screen, and the circle menu comes up with your options. Take it off the screen and put it back in the holder to remove the data from the screen. SO COOL!

No Michael, you may not have one. I'm not taking that thing in for oil changes.

If you've seen the movie, thats one of the actual suits they used in filming. Seriously awesome. 
This museum was just awesome in general. Observe the coolness. 

The other exhibit we saw (besides the AWESOME Sci-fi paraphenalia...did I mention that this is a science fiction/music museum?) was a really fantastic one called "Can't look away; the secrets of horror films". I was in seventh heaven. Contrary to popular belief, given that I am a scaredy cat about silly things like this-
I'm sorry, that's terrifying. I have no faith in a buiding that looks like the end of a jenga game.

I love horror movies. I think its because Dad let me watch Psycho and the Birds, two of the greatest psychological thrillers of all time. I have no pictures of this exhibit because they had actual movie props from things like Nightmare on Elm Street and one of the Alien suits and so on, so there was no photography allowed as not to damage the items. Oh, and Jason's mask and machete, did I mention them? Also the wolf's head cane from the original Wolfman movie. AHH! Geek heaven. I probably spent the better part of an hour down there. Dani, when you come visit me, I'm taking you to Seattle and I'm bringing you to this museum. I could have happily spent the whole day there, but we had things to see. 

Sarah, and I don't blame her in the least, bowed out of spending too much time in the horror exhibit as it is not her cup of tea, and instead walked the labyrinth outside. 

After the AWESOME (I can't stress that enough) museum, we had lunch at Zeeks pizza, which was pretty fantastic too. Cam and I shared a build your own with roasted garlic and sausage, while Michael and Sarah had a 'white' pizza, meaning the sauce was alfredo instead of red. That looked good, but I was in love with my roasted garlic pizza. 

Next stop: Pike Market. 

So many vendors! Seattle really is an artists city, because unlike the usual dime-store kitsch you see at open air markets, almost everything was handmade by the vendors, and of excellent quality. This was my favorite booth:
Seriously, how fun are these hats?!?
The light was too dark to take many other pictures of the market, but it was chock full of flowers, mostly tulips. They really like their flowers in Seattle, we kept passing people with huge bouquets of them out in the street. 

After we'd had enough of the market, we wandered back to the hotel where I got to skype in to my Grandfather's birthday party and say hey to my family. Hey family!

We all crashed for about an hour, our time lagged, hill tromping (oh my GOD the hills here are killer on your knees) bodies demanding some down time, before we made our way back out into the city for dinner. We went to the cheesecake factory, where the food was actually beyond my expectations, and the cheesecake simply sent me into a coma. Sadly, our waitress knew nothing about Big Bang Theory, so all of our jokes were wasted. 

After a long and eventful day, we crashed. I am now back in my breakfast nook, enjoying tea with Sarah and about to head down for the breakfast buffet. Today we make our way across the border (prayers please) and meet up with Uncle David in Vancouver for dinner. 

Just a note for those of you still reading- this blog won't end with our trip. By popular demand, I'll also be documenting the moving in, so stay tuned for more adventures. 

For you mom

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