Monday, April 30, 2012

Getting there is half the fun, come share it with me!

I know I know I know, I haven't posted in a day, almost two, I'm sorry. We've been a little busy navigating a HUGE city. How big is it? Observe. 

Everything building is Vancouver. See that little strip of buildings in the back edge of the picture? Vancouver. All of the little islands connected by bridges that you can't see in this photo? Vancouver. 

And Vancouver is AWESOME. 

Its clean. Its artisinal. Its unique. Most of it looks like this. 
No joke guys. Every street. Its like someone left a cotton candy machine on for a million years.

But, a significantly awesome part of our day in Vancouver was staying with Sarah's aunt and uncle, Peter and Natasha Mitchell, and their very savvy two-ish year old daughter Jasmine. 

Why is this picture of them on a boat? Because they have one! Not only do they have one, they have one of these. 

And they let us come out and collect their crab pots with them. In which we caught these

Which we had for dinner. HOW COOL IS THAT?!

More boating fun below.

Tash and Jazzy, being awesome.

Pete and Jazzy, also awesome. 

Paddle-boarding guy, being frankly crazy. That thing behind him? Yeah, thats totally a tanker.

Sarah being badass and steering the ship. For the record, she is generally badass and capable of doing all kinds of specifically useful things.

Michael, who if you cannot tell is actually thrilled to be on the water.

Leigh Paylor. Bringing sexy back. 

Here I will pause to make mention of just how cool this boat is. Its a floating hotel guys. 

So back to how big Vancouver is. All of the pictures below were taken from the boat. Vancouver, the bits that aren't being awesomely islandy, is one big half circle around English Bay, not unlike Traverse City. 

Way way way over on the left is where uncle David lives. 

For human interest, Michael's finger. 

After an adventurous afternoon of boating with our wonderful hosts, Cam and Sarah remained at their house for crab dinner, and Michael and I went and had a lovely visit with Uncle David wherein I met my other cousins Nate and Chris. At about 9 Michael and I were completely zonked out, and we crashed hard. The next morning we bopped around Vancouver for a little while, before hopping on the ferry. 

If the Mitchell's boat was a floating hotel, this was a floating AIRPORT. It had 4 decks available to passengers, including a full sized cafeteria, business lounge, movie theatre thingy, shops, an arcade, and various other awesomness. 

We were the very very very last car on the ferry. 

Seriously. Thats the gate closing behind us. 
But the best thing the ferry had were views. 

Eventually, the ferry slowed to a halt, and we drove off. We are now in Victoria resting, about to go out and explore this last city before we arrive in our new home tomorrow. More tomorrow morning. 


  1. Wow, beauty everywhere you turn. I can't wait to read what you think of your new home, and your new hometown. This has been an absorbing read through the entire trip and it makes clear just how much of an exciting adventure this is for the 6 of. Hope Dinah likes the new place, as she doesn't seem to have been thrilled with the whole idea of moving. I am so thrilled for you all.

    Love to all...

  2. Congrats guys! You do realize that now you started this blog you are going to have to continue to write it even though you will be finished with the studebaker. We need to know what's happening over there!
