Saturday, July 7, 2012

Now the Eiffel Tower's holdin up a flower- can you picture that?

Dinah had a grand adventure.

"Yes. Me. I'm Dinah."

And by had a grand adventure, I mean she scared the living bejeesus out of us. Our house has an interesting design fluke- sometimes if you open the back door, it will cause a draft that pulls open the front door, and visa-versa. Our indoor only cats also have an interesting design fluke- they want to go outside. Emma was cured of this particular ailment when she lost the tip of her tail to the front door last year, and has since made little attempt to be in the 'outside place'.
Dinah, however, has no such built in smart mechanism.
So midway through our afternoon, our landlady Aphean comes over and says "I think I saw your cat, they're supposed to be inside cats right? Well she took off around the other side of the house, you better catch her."

Panic ensued, followed by casually frantic circling of the house calling for the cat, trying not to cry (mainly me on that one) and general searching. Followed, after about an hour an a half, by the acceptance of the fact that we would just have to wait for her to come back. Which she did.

Six hours later.

Suffice to say, we were overjoyed to see her, and are much more cautious of our doors acting up.


Huzzah! Things are steadily progressing according to plan! Also, its a job at the Superstore, so hopefully Cam will get a discount on groceries. That would frankly be fantastic.

On one of my two days off, Sarah and I went and explored Lake Cowichan, which is a lovely little lake town with a really good 50's diner and two beautiful lake accesses.
How lovely is that?!

We had a tasty lunch and generally hung out next to the lake all day. So excited to take my parents and sister!

I think what might also excite my parents and sister is that I've got everyone playing Skip-bo now. I'm so glad we picked it up before we left.

We have two new additions coming to the Bastion (that's what we call the house when we remember that that's what we tried to name it...really we just call it the House or the Farm), and I'm not sure which is cuter. No, I'm not pregnant yet, don't anyone start freaking out. 

This is Franklin.

An adventurer is he! Sarah found him at the Vancouver aquarium, and making accessories for him has been my evening zen. He has his satchel-

Can anyone else hear the Indiana Jones theme music?

His snazzy evening attire-

He jams in all the best clubs.

And is prepared for anything, with his trusty rubber-ducky and rain hat!

Pass the soap?

Why am I introducing you to Franklin? Well, in lieu of interesting things, since not many have happened lately, and I am also considering creating individualized accessories for children's stuffies as a service on my upcoming etsy shop. I would love some honest feedback, thoughts?

Also, I need a name for my etsy shop. I am accepting suggestions.

And, last but not least...


To be more specific, Sarah is getting a puppy that we get to cuddle and love and train to eat bad guys and door to door salesmen and religious fanatics. It's a purebred Siberian husky, and the litter won't be ready to go for another five weeks, so we have plenty of time to puppy proof the house (and I have plenty of time to hide my shoes).

Emma and Dinah are already laying plans for puppy annihilation.

So from what I've read, Siberian Huskies are extremely intelligent, fun-loving dogs. What Sarah and Michael want me to think that looks like is this-

According to wikipedia, what it may actually look like is this-

Quote- "Siberian Huskies are highly intelligent, which allows them to excel in obedience trials, though many clubs would like to keep the Husky's instinct by doing sled-racing. However, because of their intelligence, they can easily become bored and may stop listening to commands. Many dog trainers usually attempt to avoid this behavior by keeping them busy with new activities. Also due in part to their intelligence, Huskies tend to be very observant of the actions of people around them and have been known to mimic common household activities such as turning on lights with their paws and opening doors with their canines. Some undesirable behaviors they can exhibit include opening refrigerators (and eating the food inside), climbing fences or digging tunnels in the backyard to escape"


Don't get me wrong, I'm so excited about puppy. But I have this mental image of coming downstairs in the middle of the night to find the dog curled up on the couch with a bowl of cereal watching netflix. Sometimes I'm surprised I don't catch Emma doing that. 

Oh god, Emma and the dog as a team. We're in trouble. 





  1. Your puppy will need to be kept very busy, a tired dog is a good dog, if you give it a job to do you will all be happier.

  2. Don't you mean: "I gave it to a Texas cat" ?

    And Franklin I'm sure will get along swimmingly with Velveteen, who will be coming to visit. ^_^
