Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Really nothin' to it, anyone can do it, it's easy and we all know how!

Where have I been?

Turning this


and this


And this

And by this I mean that 70's throwback faux stone wall that looked like dried oatmeal

into THIS

I also scrubbed the living daylights out of both washrooms and got a job at Starbucks. Who da woman? I da woman. 

Whats everyone else up to besides rolling their eyes every time I consider a new color of paint for the kitchen? Michael wheels and deals to get us some theatre space, Cam also has interviews for jobs (yay!) and  we are all working on writing a comedy pirate themed sword fighting show, cause THAT'S HOW WE YO HO HO, Yo!

We also continue to explore the surrounding towns. This week we went up to Transfer beach in Ladysmith, where Cam proceeded to bamf around like Captain Planet pointing out awesome things that I didn't know about sea life and cleaning up various debris from villainous litter bugs. 

It was genuinely the first time that I had ever seen Cam genuinely cavorting and enjoying himself in what he refers to as the "outdoor place". 

Coolest thing about Transfer beach? This

Can you see the seals?
Hmmm, what else?

I finished Michael's Alice tea towels- pictures soon. Still working on my cave- can't afford carpet yet, so everything else is kind've on hold. But, I rode my bike to work today (my legs are not happy) which was a really nice thing. We've been playing a lot of the Arabian Nights board game (SO COOL! Thank you Dani!) and I taught everyone to play Skip-Bo which was a great time that was had by all. 

The boys have been enjoying the zombie themed library, where they play Diablo, and we've been enjoying (mostly by looking at it because, well, we really aren't playing any instruments right now) the music room. Michael one day elected to put plastic card sleeves thusly on his nose

And at one point in the week, this happened. 

Which frankly, should just happen more often. 

Next on the agenda? Building an end piece for our bed (we have a queen- it isn't working. He kicks and steals all the covers. And don't believe a word he says about me snoring it is vicious slander. Its the cat that snores.) Also, that will give us more storage! Which it may surprise you we could use- the closets are very small. Painting the entryway, guest room, bedroom, and kitchen, putting together a new top for the bakers rack, finding some more furniture (still need some tables and chairs and dressers and things for everyone) and just general odds and ends. 

But you know what?

We're really happy here. Cam said the other day "Hey, this is really starting to look like a house now". Sarah was making dinner the other night, and turned to all of us and said "Have I mentioned lately how much I love this house?" We spend time sitting on the porch looking at the mountain, we laugh uproariously at the cats chasing each other up and down the stairs (try not to die of shock, but Emma has lost weight), we spend evenings together in the living room being a family. 

And I no longer have to share a bathroom.

This is the contentment we feel. 

Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. Did you get "ENSORCELLED!"? It's ok if you did. Last time I played, every encounter was "kinky"....
