Monday, February 18, 2013

Lost my heart in Texas, Northern Lights effect us, I keep it underneath my hat-

And we're back to our irregularly scheduled programming.

Hello everyone! Had lovely holidays? We did! Christmas and New years, nice and quiet here at the house. After that it was a quick trip back east for Michael and I to see our families and be subsequently spoiled rotten by them, and then back to Duncan just in the nick of time for--


Seriously. We got back the day of tech rehearsal.

That isn't how it was supposed to go of course. We were supposed to be back on a ferry the day before, back to the beloved island. But Air Canada decided that they were going to close up the terminals before we arrived from our last flight to get to that island connector, costing us $400 and a night mostly spent in the Vancouver airport. For the record, most beautiful airport ever. O'Hare, take notes.

But, we made it back, got the show up and running, and that's what really counts is it not?

Well, I suppose the first thing you'll all want to know about is "How did the play go?" That's a layer cake question. Do you mean how did it go artistically? Pretty well, for what it is. Its not exactly a high art show. But the audiences loved it, I nailed the Ukrainian set design (apparently there were some people who were from/had been to the Ukraine in the audience, and they gave me kudos, so I'm happy) and the set made it through the entire show without falling apart. Mostly.

Kulyenchikov. I Like it!

I swear to got that door was trying to kill me. My own fault for cheaping out on hinges. I don't know if my grandfather would be impressed at my jury rigging or ashamed, but I do claim to be the McGuiver of stagecraft. 

super proud of this backdrop. Sarah and I did it in one evening with five cans of spraypaint. Women for the win!

15 cupcake points to whoever finds the hidden joke. 

How was the show in terms of acting? Let me give you some highlights.

The show opens with Cam looking very handsome and talking a lot. Cam's biggest complaint about the show? " I am a wordy bastard. All I do is F*cking talk!". It's true. At least 65% of the script is Cam blabbing. Usually about his 'passion for teaching' which we all think is probably just euphamistic for something else. After a while, you get bored of the script as it stands and start making up ridiculous stuff in your mind. Sadly for us, its usually dirty. We're not proud. But we are amused.

After meeting the wacky townspeople (aren't they adorable!?)
He then meets my wonderfully wacky parents, real names Dave and Rosalind (who were HILARIOUS. Dave is king of amazing ad lib, and Rosalind kept petting that rolling pin like it was Dr. Evils cat).

And then I come onstage. And by me, lets be honest, we all know I mean my chest. This was unabashedly a cleavage show. Cam ran around backstage just referring to me as "Boobs." Story of my life.
And there they are. And here I am, demonstrating my amazing sitting abilities.

Every good story needs a villain, and here comes the audiences' favorite part of the show; Sarah in a moustache. Sarah herself has noted the phenomenon that women in mascara moustaches seem to be the comedic sweet spot for women ages 35 and older. "I don't know what it is," she said "But it cracks them up. Every time."

There are more pictures specifically of this on the Noisy Mime Facebook page. Go there now. Seriously. Better than Lolcats.
The rest of the story basically follows the same old pattern. Two kids fall in love, I stuff a book down my shirt, the villain is thwarted, and there is some kissing followed by a wedding. Observe. 

Also, the one picture that I don't look like a complete Fatty McFatpants in. Weight watchers, here I come.

Cam and I, in the car on the way back home between matinee and evening show to get some dinner. 

Me: "Just think Cam. In a few more hours, you will never have to kiss me again."
Cam: "THANK GOD. No offense or anything, you're a good kisser and all, but that is one dimension our friendship did NOT need. The things we do for theatre..."
Me: "None taken, I totally get it. You are quite literally my little brother. This has been weird. But its all good. Next show you have to kiss Michael."
Cam:" WHAT?!"

He thought I was joking. Hehehehe.....

A note about that wedding picture. In the scene, Cam's character receives a letter that saves the entire situation. So we decided to have a little fun with Mr. Cam. The letter's contents were, on two separate occasions, the following. 

"Congratulations! You have received a DEUS EX MACHINA. Please put this in your Key Items Pocket.


The Management"

And that was pretty good, he had a hard time keeping it straight for the rest of the scene. But the one that really got him (and got the rest of us a good scolding from Michael) was the Frankenfurter picture. Jennifer Lally, one of the actresses in the show, is a local artist and she is REALLY good. She drew a picture of Tim Curry as Frankenfurter and stuffed it into the envelope. Cam just about lost it. It was fantastic. Michael was furious. Epic win all around. 

Us being Serious
Return of the Boobs.

So that, my friends, was fools. Actually, wait, there needs to be just one more of these.

Maybe you had to be there, but this never stopped being funny.

How did we do financially? Broke even. On our first show? That's FANTASTIC. We are a super happy crew. Next on the show docket? Urinetown, the Musical. My father and I have already been hard at work coming up with puns for the poster marketing. 

So what else is new? Well, I painted Cam's bedroom red, Sarah has switched which room is her bedroom so now I'm going to finish painting the room she was in, and finish getting it set up as a guest room for the arrival of her mother in a week. =) Which will mean that some envoy from each family will have visited! You can all compare notes now. 

I also finished one of Michael's christmas presents which is to refinish a poker table. 

Red velveteen and black satin. Yeah baby! Also, I had a little extra time off, so I did this puzzle. I can't get itto rotate, I apologize. 

What else....

Not much more to report. Just doing as we do. We've all been pretty sick with this coughy hacky flu cold bug thing, and its taking its sweet time leaving the premises. But when Sarah gets back, she and I are going to start working on the audition notices, and writing up teaching posters for me for voice lessons. I need to get me some students and to get myself settled enough that maybe I can cut down my hours at Starbucks and focus on teaching. It would give me more flexibility to go get my teaching certificate. 

so, until there's more to publish, here's a little zen for you, and a hat for you Dani.